Saturday, January 27, 2018

#24in48: TBR

Time for an all-weekender. Time to read 24 hours. Thankfully we can have breaks, as long as we finish in 48 hours. Read more about this readathon here.

My TBR is a good mix of novels (one contemporary and one sci-fi), graphic novels and manga. I hope they'll make for easy and fun reading.

Are you doing this readathon? What's on your TBR this weekend? Let me know in the comments!


1 comment:

  1. I'm not doing the readathon, but I keep seeing people who are participating in it! I read let's Talk About Love last week! Also, I watch Riverdale but have not read the comics. Good luck!


#24in48: Starting and TBR

I'm doing the #24in48 readathon once again. It's the readathon where the goal is to read for 24 hours in a 48 hours timeframe. S...